Contact the Editor

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Born in Temple Hospital, Philadelphia, PA on May 6, 1940, 14 min after my twin brother, Jim, I were initially raised in 'Philly ' and Camden, NJ, I then graduated in 1958 from LaSalle College High School in Philadelphia ... took the summer off and then joined the Navy on September 9th.
Went through Boot Camp in San Diego, CA and graduated 3 months later as 'Right Guide' of Honor Company #559. After boot 'Leave' I received Orders to 'AP' School in Norman, OK and after training received orders to Corpus Christi, TX where I met my wife (at this date ... of 59 yrs), Julia.
In May, of 1961, I received orders to the USS Constellation (CV-64) stationed in New York. While on Leave (and getting married 2 months before my 21st birthday) I was notified by telegram that the Constellation suffered a major fire initiating an emergency change-of-orders to the Intrepid (CVA-11) stationed at Pier 12 in Norfolk, VA.
During the next 16 yrs I held positions as New Jersey State Chapter Representative, Flag Program Chairman, Ship's Store Representative, 'Ketcher' Editor and 'OnLine Report' Editor ending my service with the Association in 2005 after serving the last 2 yrs as Association President, then retiring from the Sunoco Oil Refinery in Marcus Hook, NJ as a Refinery Operator.
During the following years I developed 'A Former Intrepid Crewmember' Website and am currently Editor of 'A Former USS Intrepid (CV-11) Crew Member Blog' and now of this Website 'The USS Intrepid Remembered'.
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