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The Shower-Safe Foot

The worst part of lower-right leg amputee Frank Jones’ everyday life was showering.
“I’ve waited 45 years to be able to stand in the shower,” Jones said.
Upgraded 'Foot'
See video demo
Frank's life has now been changed by the invention of the Shower-Safe Foot. It was created by Michael Simonetti, a student in San Diego State’s administration, rehabilitation and postsecondary education graduate program, in collaboration with Jones and his prosthetist, Russell DePalma.

Shower-Safe Foot

The Shower-Safe Foot is an alternative and unique creation
because the 'foot' attaches to the existing prosthetic leg
and allows the user to stand safely in shower
as well as transition in & out of the shower
in a way that shower chairs cannot.
2016 Shower-Safe Foot , LLC is a registered tradmark

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